The text provides guidance for beginners on holding charcoal steadily to ensure precision in drawing. It explains a step-by-step method to draw geometric shapes, such as squares, triangles, and ovals, using marked letters as guides. This technique is suggested to enable the drawing of any figure in the world.
It is especially important that a beginner knows how to hold the charcoal very steady so that the steadiness of the hand and its security gives great ease in drawing figures or whatever one wishes to create. For example, when making the shape marked by A B C D, a square, one should first draw a line from A to B and another from C to D, ensuring steadiness in all parts. Then, make the second line from A to C and from B to D, creating parallels. For the third figure, make a triangle with the letters E F G. Using this figure or such as with the letters H I K L, draw another with the letters M and N. Once completed, you will create an oval O with a triangle divided into three equal parts, and then make two others in the form noted by the letters P and Q. Through these figures, you will be able to draw and depict everything in the world.