The text demonstrates the method for drawing feet using geometric figures, ensuring proportion and accuracy. Foot shapes are broken down into simple forms like circles and triangles to better understand and represent them in art. The instructions emphasize that understanding these fundamental shapes allows one to accurately depict any type of foot desired.
Having already demonstrated through various reasons the method for drawing a foot well, one should not think of representing its appearance in its entirety or how it strikes. To make the first sketch of the first foot, one needs to form a figure resembling the letter A. Since there is nothing in the world that doesn't conform to some mathematical figure, I describe my foot B, in a long triangular form, and the other C, in a figure representing the backside of the foot, depicted by a circle with a long square, and bisected by a line dividing it into two equal parts. The middle foot circles backward, forming a circle and a triangle, and similarly, it retains the same form opposite to D, allowing you to easily draw whichever foot you desire.