The text emphasizes the importance of a skilled teacher in the arts and sciences, particularly in the art of depicting the human body using various techniques like drawing and sculpture. It highlights the necessity of distinguishing and proportionally measuring parts of the body for accurate representation. This understanding helps in producing representations that honor the human body's noble model.
Just as in all Arts and Sciences, the most capable teacher is one who presents the components and their interconnections in the clearest manner. This is especially true in the art of portraying and recreating the human body through drawing, painting, sculpture, or any other method. The best instructor is the one who distinguishes the visible parts of the body and their connections clearly, measures them easily, and illustrates these proportions effectively. The aim is to enable oneself and one's students to gain a firm and proficient understanding in order to create or select suitable representations of the noble example that is the human body.
The primary focus of education in this art is on distinguishing and measuring the parts of the body and their proportional relationships with one another.
As in all arts and sciences, the most skilled master is the one who clearly distinguishes parts with their reciprocal connections. In particular, for representing the Human Body with pencil, brush, chisel, or any other way, the best master is the one who distinguishes and measures the parts in the easiest manner, highlighting their proportional relationships. This mastery develops a sound and quick understanding, guiding students and enthusiasts to trace or choose drawings worthy of a model as noble as the Human Body.
The main points in the instruction of this art involve distinguishing and measuring the parts of the body and understanding their proportions. This is agreed upon by both ancient and modern writers.
Translation Notes:
- Gelyk - Dutch: similar, alike
- Teekenpen - Dutch: drawing pen
- Pinceau - French: brush
- Ciseau - French: chisel