Neck and Function of
hanging like a Biese, indicate that they yield to shameful whims to be concealed. The Pharisees were bitten by this Dog, as the Evangelical Histories report. There are two types of bent necks to consider, which sometimes indicate something natural, sometimes something coincidental, and where the painter can use both; Namely, that they are straight or slightly laterally bent. Thus, a neck bent towards the right shoulder indicates a studious person. But when it is bent to the left side, consider that a sign of excessive and unchaste behavior. A hard bony neck signifies a stubborn and unteachable person, who does not let his understanding bend to any rules. The Prophets often point this out when they speak of the stubbornness of the Jews; Thus Isaiah says that their neck is an iron sinew. And Jeremiah threatens the downfall of the Jewish Republic over the stubbornness of their necks. Similarly, our word 'stubborn' is derived from the tenacity and five-headedness of human origin. It is also noteworthy that such people are said to be learned men or to become so. Although they often cause Schools, Churches, and Academies to be alarmed. The straight rising necks are often a mark of unwillingness and defiance, noted in the Book.