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This passage discusses the difference between innate and adopted human characteristics. It explains how teaching, virtue, and reason can influence and possibly overshadow these innate traits. Additionally, it touches on how repeated expressions create visible imprints that align with emotional states, suggesting that emotions have physical manifestations on the body.

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English Translation of this page:

Face Observation, Growth, and

Inherited or Adopted Characteristics; the Innate
ones reside only in the Foundation of the Body, and
are often not only aligned with the drives of the Mind;
but over time, through the influence of Teaching,
Virtue and Reason, they are not empowered,
and so more and more neglected,
and unrepairably grouped together. The accidental
characteristics are those that, by awareness of
various issues one dislikes or likes, this and
that Expression, and Characteristic according to the disposition of
the Mind, on the lift of the Look, on the
Wrinkles of the Forehead, the frown of the Eyebrows,
pull of the Mouth, curling of the Nose, and
such expressions, and by frequent repetition,
set such deep Marks that, long after
the active Mind ceases, they leave visible Imprints,
which agree with their original intention. For the Mind of Humanity,
often with one single cause, or one pain
torn away, torments and distresses the easily changeable and
flexible Parts of the Body (which are mainly
found in the Face) for so long, until the
Display Board of Existence, with the Shop-
wares inside for sale, is evidently aligned. Thus we see that Love, Envy, and Resentment
make someone thin and lean; And that a
sad Spirit, as Solomon says, dries the Bones.
Yes, there are Examples, that the Passions
have carried some people away so
much that they are almost transformed
into Beasts; such that they have roared fiercely
like Lions, and barked like Dogs.
If there are such things that can
so remarkably change the Body
and Spirit of a Human; What wonder it is that the ground-