The text discusses various methods of striking with a cudgel, emphasizing the importance of body positioning and arm movements. It explains the primary methods of striking - top to bottom, horizontally, and from bottom to top - and how these can differ depending on whether the action is executed to the left or right side. The text also uses the example of Hercules to illustrate a particularly effective striking technique, while noting that many standard methods are common among practitioners.
Various Positions of Action.
Body to the opposite side where he shall retrieve his swing, has been passed over; And how further, having elevated his arms, his movement and force on the cudgel is not only partial but also that he, with more power to strike, directs that arm which is free and unimpeded. He brings it in such a way to make a more pressing weight move quickly towards its target, thus allowing his entire weight under that nimble motion to accomplish what he desires or to come to rest.
It is not difficult to understand that such a strike would have less actual work when this man merely raises his right arm to strike without significantly pulling back the body. There are various methods of striking; where one can identify the primary among three types: namely, from top to bottom, then straight, which is horizontal; and then from bottom to top. All other striking methods depend on these three: whether they occur to the left or the right. The method shown in this example can be considered among those which one would call horizontal or straight. In the following illustrative sketch with M. drawn, you again see another manner of striking, namely a Hercules, who raises a cudgel with both arms and stands ready to bring a strike from top to bottom.
And equally this image would strike more gracefully when situated otherwise, if the man would then strike right where he is now due to the illustrator’s negligence, works left; so it must be known that equally many thus have their usual striking.