The text discusses the importance of understanding human anatomy and its changes from childhood to maturity for art, emphasizing careful study of muscles and tendons. It stresses the necessity for artists to follow natural laws in their work, without attempting to alter them, as understanding these principles benefits their art. The text concludes that Human Studies is essential for all artists, including those who specialize in landscapes and other forms of painting.
Usefulness of Human Studies.
It is about the tangible actions or internal spirit. One reads of a certain wise teacher who not only desired that his students would study the muscles and trace them accurately, and note down in writing which Muscles and Tendons appeared or were hidden in each joint according to certain specific actions and movements; but he also wished that they would note regarding the bodies of small children, from their birth to maturity and from there to their highest age, through all stages of age and changes that occur in each joint and in the fusions, which ones became thicker, which ones became fatter, and which ones became thinner; and with what distinction, they were known in one and the other state and condition: it truly required great experience to bring about. This excellent Instructor wanted his disciples to completely devote themselves to the teachings of Nature and the laws of Life, not only to never deviate from them, but also not to grumble or complain as disobedient Students: because a Painter should never pretend that there are laws or rules in nature or in life, which in themselves are unfitting, troublesome or difficult; such that they would wish them to be different than they are; or would allow them, if possible, to be altered by him. But he should regard the laws of life, as being placed solely and exclusively for the benefit of his art, just as they are.
Indeed, Human Studies is to the Art of Painting so universally necessary that even the Counterfeiters and Landscape Painters should well understand it.
Translation Notes
- "Menschkunde" is translated as "Human Studies."