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Page Summary:
The page contains a table of contents with topics related to human features, expressions, and their interpretation in art. It includes descriptions of hand measurements, grip formation, and the role of various body parts such as hair and hips in artistic depiction. The document also discusses how human attributes may affect expression and action, relevant to artists and scholars of human studies.
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English Translation of this page:


Grim Faces, when one frequently witnesses them in Life. 318

Large and Stalwart People, why the Old consider them more worthy to rule over others. 66


How a Hand can be measured against the Nose. 85

How a Hand is wisely formed for Gripping. 153

The Hand's Proportions and Measurements. 154. 156

Bones of the Hand in relation to the Wrist. 386

Hand-positioners, described in their Place and Service. 418. 419

Hands that are Beautiful according to their Capability for Imagination. 154

Hands and Arms, their use in Speaking. 151

How Fingers and Hands can be used for Skills through Candlelight. 159

How Hands should be suitably aligned for various Gestures. 320

Hands remain close to the Heart in Actions. 110

Hand-inspectors as Deceivers. 157

Hand Muscles and how they are structured. 429

How a Palm is made. 419

Hand sometimes reveals the Nature of a Person in general. 158

Hair, its Purpose on the Head. 91

Why Hair-cutting is practiced in Sad Days. 95

Hairdress is the foremost Ornament of Women. 96

Hair of the Head varies in Nature. 98

Hair at the Eyelashes for what Purpose. 112

Hair on a Man's Chest, what it signifies. 442

Neck depiction in connection with Predilection. 175

Neck bears many probable Signs in the study of Human Figures relevant to the Art of Painting. 149

Neck, its Wrist and Service. 148

Sacrum in relation to the Neck. 383

Explanation of the Tilt and Position of Heads through some Oval Circles. 216. 217

Climate and Region contribute significantly to the Diversity of Human Bodies. 54

Climate plays a significant role concerning Hair of the Head. 99

The Hips of Women are wider than those of Men. 69

Hip bone in relation to the Wrist. 389

Heel and Elevation in Walking. 176

Heels can be recognized by their varied Form. 184

How a Dog can express its Feelings in a Human Face. 201

Translation Notes

- "Menschen" is translated as "People."
- "Dienft" is an old spelling for "Service."
- "Maaxel" refers to "Wrist."
- "Kunsjes" means "Skills."
- "Keers-ligt" means "Candlelight."