The text is an index or contents of a book that explores various topics in human figure design and anatomy. It subjects range from the movement of muscles and the proportion of the body to the perception of beauty and ugliness. Pages also discuss the role of light, body positioning in art, and specific elements like facial features and vertebrae.
Slow Gait: Why it is more tiring than a Vigorous one. Page 260
Standing Portrait: How to place it comfortably. Page 253
Ladder Carrier: Why he often bends. Page 256
Limbs of Different Gender or Age: Not seen in well-formed people. Page 43
Limbs: Usually follow the largest mass of the body in shape. Page 62
Limbs: How they move by muscles. Page 39
Limbs should perform their own function in all actions, not others. Page 285
Limb Proportion: Should promote beauty. Page 23
Idle People: Should not be seen in artworks. Page 306
Ugly cannot be Lovable. Page 18
Ugly: How it can be perceived as beautiful. Page 19
Ugliness: Why it is easier to follow than Beauty. Page 23
Lion Visage: What it will depict in a human face. Page 198
Vertebrae: How they are like from Maxael. Page 383
Body Length: Different in Men and Women. Page 50
Length of an Honest Person: How to determine. Page 58
Life: What preparation is required for it. Page 14
Bodies: How they move easily. Page 240
Bodies of Men: Why they do not possess certain qualities. Page 46
Bodies of Men: Can be proportioned diversely. Page 49
Bodies: Why they appear further in the mirror than in standing. Page 370
Bodies assessed as neither small nor large, but appear different from perspective. Page 369
Bodies cannot think. Page 372
Weight of Bodies: Advantageous in work. Page 261
Capacity of Bodies: Most people are not wisely positioned. Page 268
Lying: How it can be done comfortably. Page 182
Body Length: Different according to gender and nature. Page 51
Lips: Of proper shape and service. Page 133
Lips: How they move with the speaker's language. Page 136
Lips: What more assurance can be expressed in facial movements. Page 137
Lobe-Ear: From where the name seems to originate. Page 127
Light: How it affects the radiance flowing from bodies. Page 370
Light: What it does around the ethereal spirits. Page 342
Lomazzo, Painter of Milan: How well he managed proportion.