The text is an index page from a book about art and human studies, discussing various aspects of emotions, proportions, and rules related to human figures in art. It outlines how emotions manifest in physical forms like the face and eyes, and the importance of proportions for beauty and correctness in human depictions. The text also covers how these concepts apply differently to children and adults, touching on broader philosophical themes like the independence of the rational mind.
Emotions that must necessarily be seen in the face. 100
Human emotions explained by those of animals. 195
Emotions are clearly visible in the eyes. 308
Pharisees compared to the Savior with wolves in sheep's clothing. 193
Philoitrate has summarized human studies in a few words. 4
The draping of garments and how they follow the limbs. 332
Study and its origin taken into account. 334
Art specimens cannot be perfectly indescribable. 6
Finest examples of antique statues, how they should be regarded in painting and sculpting. 38
Proportion is a major work of beauty. 41
Proportion is incredibly well understood by the old masters. 43
The proportion of human figures should be outlined in a few rules. 44
Proportions must be ingrained in the mind of the artist. 45
How and where one must primarily observe proportions. 48
How the proportions of human bodies can be diverse yet good. 50
Proportions are very different in children and adults. 56
Proportion rules and why they are found. 59. 61
How human figures can vary in proportion yet be correct. 60
Proportion rules should be light and not infinitely measured. 60
How to observe proportions by the eye. 61
Proportion that can be called excessive. 72
Three main aspects of proportion in painting consideration. 87
Proportion in children, how to observe it. 79. 80
Rational mind and its independence. 347
Rules for sculptors need careful consideration. 87
Straight and crooked, or whether naturally, or purely accepted as modest. 160
Smell is a useful and delightful sense in humans. 122
Giants, if they indeed could exist, as large as described. 49
Ribs and how they are held in the sternum. 384
The number of ribs is the same in men and women. 38
Flushing, where it actually occurs. 129
Roman statues, mistakenly accused errors. 67. Roman
Roman soldiers were mostly robust and well-built men. 67
Translation Notes
'Menschkunde' has been translated as 'human studies.'