The text discusses the ways in which people show different behaviors due to air, physical influences, and situations, causing varied expressions and reactions in society. It explores how different circumstances, such as metaphorical winds or wine consumption, impact one's demeanor, leading to diverse exhibitions such as joy, sadness, or quarrels. The text comments on characteristic human behaviors, pondering how seemingly trivial things can provoke significant differences in responses among individuals.
The Depiction of Human Forms.
Various movements, as necessary by the reception of air, different influences, that then produce such actions in the bodies; and this is the reason why people differ in general manners, speech, quickness of understanding, strength, courage, and in other passions that depend on the physical movement. This difference also extends to the notable distinctions observed in similar situations; hence people in encounters have very different expressions. One might sing and play over the same incident, enjoying it, while another is sullen, gloomy, and saddened by it. However, one observes particularly how the wind drove people, when the vapors of the grape-juice began to play upon the spirits, causing a stir. There are indeed rare drinkers in the world; often one sees a strange spectacle when a swarm of mischievous devils bursts from a wine barrel, settling in various heads. One fights and quarrels over a straw, curses more demons from hell than conceivable. Another, intoxicated by the same drink, becomes enamored, amorous, foolishly questing, or pursues his neighbor's wife. The third is busy with chatter and ghosts, or cries out burdens without reason. The fourth appears lethargic, retrieving old cows from the ditch; chases cats and dogs out of the house, or kicks his companion's coat from the stairs, if his body would allow. Similarly, frequently, someone else is involved.
Translation Notes:
- "Mench-beelden" translates to "Human Forms" or "Human Figures".
- "Spooken" refers to "ghosts or apparitions" in this context, broadening interpretations beyond supernatural encounters to irrational worries.
- "Druyven-fap" means "grape-juice", commonly understood as wine.