LOUIS, by the grace of God, King of France and Navarre: to our beloved and loyal Counselors, the People holding our Courts of Parliament, Masters of Requests of our Hotel, Grand Council, Provost of Paris, Bailiffs, Seneschals, their Civil Lieutenants, and other our Justices whom it may concern: GREETING. Our friend CHARLES-ANTOINE JOMBERT, Printer in Paris, has expressed the desire to print and reprint works titled: METHOD FOR LEARNING DRAWING, with figures; Portable Dictionary of Theatres; by M. de Leris; Historical and Moral Treaty of Blazonry; Observations on the Antiquities of Herculaneum; New Treaty of Levelling, by M. le Fevre; Relation of the Reign of Gravie; The Art of Painting, or Practical Treatise on Painting, and other small works on the same Art, by M. de Piles; Secrets concerning the Arts & Crafts, with the Perfect Dyer; if it would please us to grant him the necessary Letters of Privilege. FOR THESE REASONS, wishing to favorably treat the Exhibitor, we have permitted and allow by these presents, to print the said Works as many times as he sees fit, and to sell, have sold, and distribute throughout our Kingdom, for the time of nine consecutive years, to count from the day of the date of these presents. We forbid all printers, booksellers, and others of any quality and condition to introduce any foreign printing in any place of our obedience: as well as to print or cause to print, sell, have sold, distribute, or counterfeit said Works, or to make other extracts, under any pretense whatever, without the express and written permission of said Exhibitor, or those who will have the right from him, on penalty of confiscation of counterfeit copies, and a fine of six thousand livres against each offender, one-third to Us, one-third to the Hôtel-Dieu of Paris, and the other third to said Exhibitor, or to the one who shall have the right from him, and to all costs, damages & interests; on the condition that these Presents are registered entirely on the register of the Chamber of Booksellers & Printers of Paris, within three months of the date thereof; and that two copies of each of our said Works shall be delivered to our public Libraries, one in that of our Louvre Castle, one in that of our dear and faithful Knight Chancellor of France, Mr. de Lamoignon, and one in that of our dear and faithful Commander of the orders; the whole under penalty of nullity of these presents; of the contents of which we command and enjoin you to make the said Exhibitor or his successors fully and peacefully enjoy, without suffering any trouble or hindrance. We want the copy of these presents to be held for the original. We command the first Usher or Sergeant so required, to make for the execution of these the necessary and necessary uses, without asking for another permission, notwithstanding clamor of haro, Norman Charter, & Letters contrary thereto. FOR such is our pleasure. GIVEN at Versailles the twenty-fourth day of March, year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, & of our reign the thirty-ninth. By the King in his Council.
REGISTERED on Register XIII. of the Royal Chamber of Booksellers & Printers of Paris, No 301, fol. 340. in accordance with the ancient Regulations, confirmed by the one of February 28, 1723. In Paris, March 8, 1754.
B. BRUNET, Deputy.