The text discusses the principles of drawing the head either from life or using a bust as a model. It emphasizes accuracy and fidelity to nature, with a methodical approach to proportions and the drawing of different head positions. The text is divided into three sections focusing on overall head structure, proportion details, and drawing head features.
The general principles we have established initially should find their application in the drawing of the head as in the drawing of any other object.
The approach to be followed will thus be as follows:
1° Be careful not to start drawing the head from other drawn heads, but rather take as a model nature or a bust which represents nature with the greatest possible fidelity, with differences that are barely noticeable, especially in relation to the drawing.
2° Apply to the drawing of the head, from life or from a bust, the same method of operation that we have indicated for drawing from life objects of spherical shape, taking care to compare each dimension of the object to the largest one of them.
We therefore limit ourselves to indicating here a few very simple operations, whose usefulness has been demonstrated by experience, such as constructing the Oval in different positions of the head, and drawing the Mass of a head in the different movements. Next, we will present, for guiding students' work, a series of notions which these students can undoubtedly be led to through their own observations, but which it will always be useful to present to them in their natural order.
Hence, three main divisions or sections in this second part, namely:
FIRST SECTION, dealing with the whole head, and thus divided:
1° Construction of the Oval, in different positions of the head;
2° Drawing the Mass of the head, from life or from a bust, in different positions of the head.
SECOND SECTION, dealing with the proportions to be observed in the drawing of the head, from life or from a bust, including the child's head:
1° Proportions of the head seen in profile;
2° Proportions of the head seen from the front;
3° Proportions of the head seen from three-quarters.
THIRD SECTION, dealing with the organs of the head, drawn from life or from a bust, in different positions of the head.