What should be drawn, which one does not see. Therefore, many examples of outline art have been included in the first and second part, so that these deficiencies may be remedied in all possible cases. One must admit beforehand: that something imitative, rather easier through oblique and straight lines than through various alternating curves. Naturally, this only truly affects the facial expressions: If one should learn to recognize unwarranted power as an outline, one must learn geometry beforehand, as it teaches us in many practical ways: The external and internal forms of fixed things, by appointing lines with suitable proportions and references, all these advantages are presented, forthwith a safe view is broadened.
According to the other main point, the outline, in which primarily the beauty of a drawing appears above these found designs. This requires, however, an observant eye of a beautiful and well-drawn masculine face lines, hardly more than less in or also towards the outline are concerned, after the drawing is owned. Otherwise, the outlines are of a child's or mature youth's figurine.
This also requires the method of the fourth chapter of selecting practices in such a way that many valuable drawing works become useful for achieving each distinguishable work. Such a simple treatment could cause some disadvantage in action if they belong to any art allegedly learned from a teacher, which recommends its own peculiar form. In this art, particularly great recognize and promote artists, according to my small forces, to elevate the power of knowing oneself. In this art and habit particularly I advise.
Outline Art: In the context of this text, refers to the drawing of shapes or figures primarily using outlines rather than detailed shading or coloring.