The text emphasizes the importance of practice and repetition in drawing, recommending the study of anatomy to improve artistic skills. It praises art academies for providing opportunities for learning and includes a reminder that the techniques discussed can be applied broadly to various subjects. The author hopes that these instructions will foster growth and benefit artists and students alike.
The diligent work is appreciated by those who are competent to make a thorough judgment in this matter. In practice, there will be noticeable ease, and through repeated exercise, one will eventually acquire such skill in copying that one can produce all prescribed drawings beautifully and completely, wherever basic established rules or theory are recommended.
If someone wants to advance further and perfect themselves more in the art of drawing, I could advise nothing better than to study anatomy, as much as a draftsman needs. In previous years, the following title was published: 'Vast Description of the Human Body Directed at Painting and Sculpting Art.' I have provided in this format the complete anatomical parts, faithfully proportioned from the anatomical works of Carolo Celo in the German language, which comprehensively teaches nothing other than what a draftsman needs. According to this, one can learn all one's drafts thoroughly and as commented earlier, drawing as one lives, forming a firm image to be able to draw from nature.
And for this latter, newly established art academies can provide the best opportunity, among which our Academy can also be counted, which has grown successfully through the gracious care and generosity of a highly esteemed Council and has benefited both local and foreign artists up to this time.
With this, I conclude my instruction in the art of drawing, and only remind that despite all the given rules specifically aimed at the likeness of a person, they are designed in such a way that they can be applied to all other things suitable for copying, provided one has enough understanding to apply the knowledge of one thing to another.
I hope that this little work I have undertaken to promote the art of drawing may contribute to the growth of related arts and skills and may benefit the disciples, for which I intend, and I shall have achieved my desire completely.
Translation Notes: 'Nachtzeichnung' refers to the likeness drawing of a person. 'Capable' is used here in the old sense of being able, skilled or qualified.