A triangular base, if one raises three straight lines that join at the top, must necessarily produce three triangles that form the pyramid. This figure dominates all the parts of the human figure, as will be seen in the examples below; because it gives the forehead its full width, the temples their fullness, the cheeks a tapering downward, the eyes their spacing, and the nose its upper width tapering towards the mouth. The triangle provides the shoulders with this width from the upper body, forming a similar figure, whose point ends at the navel. Finally, it presides over the width of all parts of the body, both upper and lower, such as the narrowing of the stomach towards the bottom, the width of the thigh tapering down to the foot, like a pyramid; as well as the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers, which always narrow more and more. In short, the globe or circle is the element of the head; the cube that of the trunk, and the pyramid is the element of the arms and legs.
Translation Notes:
- 'Forehead's full width': This refers to understanding the full expanse of the forehead as determined by the triangular structure.
- 'Cheeks a tapering downward': This describes the gradual narrowing and shaping effect from the cheeks downwards.
- 'Triangle provides the shoulders with this width': This means that the shoulders' breadth is structured around these geometric principles.
- 'Presides over the width': Refers to the way shape principles guide the form and dimension of body parts.