This document is a bibliographic record for an item in library holdings, marked with record number #8597008. It includes purchase information, indicating it was bought from Librairie PICARD in 2008 and funded by the Betty Rosenberg fund, then given to Jain Fletcher. The record contains standardized cataloging data and timestamps.
Holdings Record #8597008 10/31/2008 2:30:42 PM
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Bibliographic Data
000 00277cx:a22000854-4500
001 8597008
004 6150497
005 20081031143024.0
008 0809290p---8---1001uu---0000000
852 0 ‡b yrspback ‡x purchase, Librairie PICARD, 2008; paid on Betty Rosenberg fund; given to Jain Fletcher for cat. (10/31/2008)
Holdings Record #8597008 10/31/2008 2:30:42 PM