The text praises the art of drawing for its excellence and utility, emphasizing its role as the foundation for many sciences. It describes how drawing is essential for various mechanical arts and painting. The author notes that while art is highly valued, errors are common among contemporary practitioners and emphasizes the need to explore new ideas to clarify and improve the understanding of art.
To the Lovers of Art.
The art of drawing, due to its excellence and utility, has always been highly esteemed. It is noble and very necessary, and it cannot be denied that it is the mother of countless beautiful sciences. If it were an enemy, there are no mechanical arts that do not need its help, and even painting itself cannot exist without it. Everything that poetry can represent with the sweetness of its verses, this noble art expresses through vivid and natural images. For this reason, many great figures have honored it, appreciating its value. However, today those who use it, including the masters themselves, commit many errors. Few truly understand it perfectly or know its origins exactly. For these reasons, I have aimed to explore some new inventions to clarify and to please the public.
Your Most Obedient Servant, Crespino de Pas.