The text provides instructions for artists on how to depict faces in various positions, focusing particularly on the technique of drawing the oval part of the face. It discusses correct placement and alignment of lines, especially concerning when a face is turned or tilted. The instructions emphasize following specific geometric procedures to accurately represent the perspective.
Artistic Depiction of the Face
Concerning examples where a certain section leans backward; begin by finding the angled section of the oval GF according to the rule we provided. To find the arch of the tilted face, extend EC so it matches EF or EG. (This is not accurately noted on the plate for our intention.) Mark half of E in H, and you have the point to include the arch of a half-turned or tilted face. Regarding the incidental line of the face? You notice that the method to include it has already been indicated, barring the contracted line of the oval determined here from the previous example; and that there is no need to further complicate this setup with marker letters. It's noted that if this face had to be turned to the other side, then the arc FG, HI should be drawn toward the side of A, DB. And if the head is bent forward instead of backward, then in keeping with previous illustrations, the facial line should bend downward under the straight DC. The rest of the setup is evident enough from previous knowledge and the subsequent content to proceed with the task at hand.