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The text discusses the importance of choosing strong and realistic models for drawing, emphasizing that drawing from life leads to a more accurate and graceful depiction than drawing from imagination. It highlights the different considerations needed when drawing women and children. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of expressing emotions in art, noting that even minor compositions require careful attention to effectively convey character.

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To express strength and vigor, one must choose a model that is more robust and energetic, and draw it as it is. Then, you will clearly see the difference between such a design drawn from nature, and the kind of diagram one might draw from imagination. This flaw is especially dangerous for those who indulge in such a manner, as it becomes nearly impossible for them to later accurately depict the grace and simplicity of nature. Therefore, one should get used to drawing objects as they appear and use the light one has gained to judge them sensibly.

The same principles will be used to draw women and children from nature, observing that the muscles are less apparent, which makes the outlines very smooth. One can see what Rubens says on this matter in the first part of this work, and see the examples he gives in plates XXXVIII and following. But in general, when one wants to characterize childhood, adolescence, old age, etc., one must also conduct studies from nature and make a wise choice of models to use.

On the Characters of the Passions.

The expression of passions is a study that requires much dedication and should not be neglected, because even the smallest compositions have an essential feature that compels the artist to give the heads of their figures an appropriate character.